Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Galerie 1900 - 2000, Paris, 1988. The show features the collection of François Letaillieur which included the work of Roberto Altmann, Jean-Louis Brau, Gérard-Phillipe Broutin, Françoise Canal, Jean-Paul Curtay, François Dufrene, Albert Dupont, Paul-Armand Gette, Jean-Pierre Gillard, Antoine Grimaud, Micheline Hachette, Isidore Isou, Aude Jessemin, Alain de Latour, Nina Lebel, Maurice Lemaître, François Letaillieur, Gio Minola, Pomerand, Poucette, François Poyet, Marie-Thérèse Richol, Roberdhay, Woody Roehmer, Roland Sabatier, Alain Satie, Jacques Spacagna, Frédéric Studeny, Janie van den Driesche, Florence Villers, Rosie Vronsky, Gil J Wolman, and Zenderoudi. Illustrated in color and black-and-white. Text in French.