A quarterly of poetry edited and published by Alan Brilliant. Dick Fass, assistant. Poems "This Desire, This Pain," by Frank J. Darlington; "Three Poems," by James Wright; "Two Poems," by Cecil Hemley; "Two Poems," by James May; "Two Poems," by Felix Stefanile; "Three Poems," by William Pillin; "Time has a Million Meanings," by Harold Briggs; "Translation from Corbiere," by Michael Benedikt; "The First Sorrow of Joseph," by Tim Reynolds; "Two Poems," by Harold Witt; "Three Poems," by Samuel Menashe; "Three Poems," by Fred Cogswell. ... [details]
A Quarterly of Poetry published by Alan Brilliant. Edited by Irving Layton. Poems "Leaving the Park" and "Oldster," by Earle Birney; "The Cuckold's Song" and "Master and Slave," by Leonard Cohen; "The Rock Pile" and "Her Purity," by Fred Cogswell; "Esthétique du Mal" and "The Scholars," by Louis Dudek; "Christening," "Working Late," and "La Prairie Hunger Strike," by R. ... [details]