A retrospective remembrance and examination of the art of Yariv Alter Fin (1968 - 2007) with CD-ROM. Contributions by Paul Groot, Bart Rutten, Mieke Gerritzen, Jos Houweling, Qin Jian, Liza May Post, Ram Katzir, Margriet Kruyver, Rob Schröder, Harry Heyink, Ursula Panhans-Bühler, Peter Mertens, Jasper van den Brink, Steven de Jong, Avi Krispin, Bojana Panevska, Fabiënne Zuijdwijk, Babak Andishmand, Schulte & Timm, Allan J. ... [details]
Survey of the work of L.A. based artists before 1980. Edited by Lyn Kienholz with contributing editors Elizabeta Betinski and Corinne Nelson. Includes appendix. "'L.A. Rising SoCal Artists Before 1980' is the first comprehensive pictorial showcase of the diverse universe of artists working in the Los Angeles area during the formative period of Los Angeles' art history. ... [details]
Issue edited by Jaakov Kohn. Contents include "Our Man in Atlanta," by Lennox Raphael; "When Will John V Lindsay Meet Buckminster Fuller," by Allan Katzman, with a photo by Zod Fenster; "From Lil with Love," by Lil Picard; "Poor Paranoid's Almanac," Allan Katzman; "Ego Rapsrapsraps," interview with Tim Hardin by Emmet Lake; "The Hanged Man," by Don Katzman; "Profligate Comix," written by Algernon Backwash, drawn by Manuel Rodriguez; "The Seen and How to Make It"; "Pop, Rock & Jelly," by Jules Freemond; "Number Four (November)," by Felix of the Silent Forest; "Number 5 - December," by Felix of the Silent Forest; "The Rise and Fall of the Haight Ashbury Empire!" by Joel Beck; "Vote Valentine / Here Begins a Tale of Arthur," by Arthur. [details]
Issue edited by Jaakov Kohn. Contents include "Will H. RAP Rap Brown Be Pressured Into Fasting to Death?" by Lennox Raphael; "Zap Zap Comix," drawn by M. Rodriguex, written by Algernon Backwash; " Poor Paranoid's Almanac," by Allan Katzman; "Pop Rock & Jelly," by Jules Freemond; "Slumgoddess," photo by Ronald E. ... [details]