The 1986 - 1987 Printed Matter catalogue. Includes texts by Susan Wheeler, Richard Ogust, Brian Wallis, Clive Phillpot, Amy Hauft, Robert Nickas, Lynda Barry, Cynthia Chris, Reese Williams, Jeffrey Greenberg, and John Hogan. ... [details]
Printed Matter [founded by Sol LeWitt, Edit deAk, Lucy Lippard, Carl Andre, Pat Stein, Walter Robinson, Robin White - with a board that also had Ingrid Sischy, Carol Adroccio, Amy Baker, Clive Phillpot, and Howardena Pindell] is the world's venerable distributor of artists' books - from 1976 through 1986 it issued an annual catalogue of all it's inventory - 1000s of artists' books, artists' periodicals, artists' audioworks, and other artists' publications. ... [details]