Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held in 2000."...Interpol is known mostly as the project where Alexander Brener destroyed the work of art of Wenda Gu and where Oleg Kulik performed a dog. ... [details]
Critical theory, a project conceived by Mark Kremer, with contributions by Pawel Althamer, Tiong Ang, Ansuya Blom, Phil Collins, Flying City (Jeon Yongseok), Liam Gillick, Marina Grzinic, Sigudur Gudmundsson, Thomas Hirschhorn, Hans van Houwelingen, Daniel Jewesbury, Job Koelewijn, Boris Ondreicka, Anatoly Osmolovsky, Maria Pask, Jan van de Pavert, Marko Peljhan, Manfred Pernice, Paul Perry, Willem de Rooij, Tino Sehgal, Fiona Tan, Thorvaldur Thorsteinsson and Sarah Tripp. ... [details]