Issue number 45 of New Observations: "The Magazine that Lets the Artists Speak for Themselves." Guest edited by Curt Belshe, Ana Busto, Sarah Drury, Hilary Kliros, Lise Prown, and Steven Schiff. Contents include: "Introduction," by the guest editors; "Fairytale as Myth / Myth as Fairy Tale," by Jack Zipes; "The Perfect Crime: Oscar Wilde's 'The Happy Prince,'" by Didi Heller; "A Possible Model For Fairy Tales," by Vito Acconci; "Four Ways of Looking at a Fairy Tale," by Fredric Jameson; "Rumpelstiltskin is My Name," by Martin Winn; "Coyote Comes Laughing," by Jean Fisher; "Fairy Tales," by Andrea Fraser; and "'Beauty and the Beast;'" The Survival Story," by Betsy Hearne.