Magazine of New Music. Essays: "Edito," by David LL Laskin; "The Committe to Limit Applause: Stop the Clap!" by R.I.P. Hayman; "Gregory Whitehead: Fingering Radio Bodies," by Jim Andrews; "Sampling Heaven and Hell," by Steven Silverstein; "Wilfred Mellers: Critic in a New Found Land," interview by Mark Lockett; "Musicians (be)Rate, The Critics"; "Requisite Misgivings On Pain of Truth," by David Weinstein; "Take My Advice!" by David Liebman, Anthony Davis, David Darling, Tina Davidson, Geoff Gordon, Linda Bouchard, Joel Chadabe and Diana Meckley; "Handy Hintsand Timely Tips: A Review of Kyle Gann," by Scott Johnson; "Goode Confessions," by Daniel Goode; "Virgil Thomson: You're The Tops!" by Anthony Tommasini; "Anthony Braxton: Play of Die," interview by David LL Laskin; "Laura Seaton," interview by Iris Brooks; "Chicago Old Style Jazz Festival," by Larry Birnbaum; "Goddess Festival," by Peggyann Wachtel; "Eareviews: Performances," by Jody Dalton, Harry Bott, Bob Banister, and Bruce Darby; "Eareviews: Records," by Brooke Wentz, Bob Bannister, Dana Perna, Andrew Caploe, Dean Suzuki, and Ted Panken; "Eareviews: Cassettes," by Charles S. ... [details]
Magazine of New Music. Edited by Iris Brooks. Essays: "Edito," by Iris Brooks; "Drum Machines: Rhythm for Sale," by John Loose; "The Beat And The Box," by David Moss; "Sticks On Stones: A Listener's Guide to Ethnic Percussion," by David Simons; "Spirit Catchers: Bullroarers And Other Ifos," by Darrel De Vore; "Ritual Rhythm: Afro- Carib Rites of Passage," by Damir Strmel; "Meet The Composer: Edwina Lee Tyler 'My Drum Is A Woman," by Iris Brooks with Barbara Pollitt; "Percussion Discussion: Han Bennink, Milford Graves, Joey Baron," by Gerry Hemingway; "Instruments: New, Old, and Unexpected," by Barbara Pollitt, Dean Drummond, Jody Kruskal, Yukio Tsuji, Jamey Haddad, Tiye Giraud and Admondylla Best; "San Frnacisco World Drum Festival," by John Loose; "Eareviews: Performances," by David Simons, Karen Campbell, Mark Lockett; "Eareviews: Records," by Andrew Caploe, Jim Macnie, Kevin Whitehead, Bob Bannister, and Neil Strauss; "Eareviews: CDs," by Dean Suzuki, Carle VP Groome, and Phil Harmonic; "Eareviews: Cassettes," by Charles S. ... [details]
Magazine of New Music. Essays: "Edito," by Iris Brooks; "Animated Rhythms Tunes for Toons," by Neil Strauss; "Scoring in the Studio," by Richard Einhorn; "Bach to the Future: Glenn Gould's Contraptual Radio," by Nancy Canning; "New Faces, Sofia Gubaidulina," interview by Jody Dalton; "Private Ear," by Howard Mandel; "Following in Barishnikov's Footsteps: The Sound Art of Vannessa Ament," by Richard Kadrey; "Musical Mosaics: Film Composer Wendy Blackstone Breaks the Mold," interview by Howard Mandel; "Mark Isham: This Side of Paradise," by Brad Balfour; "David Fanshawe: Musical Mariner," interview by R. ... [details]