April 19 - 25, 1974 issue of Berkeley Barb, edited by David Armstrong. Contents include: "Is SLA's Cinque the First Black Lee Harvey Oswald?," by Mae Brussell and Stephanie Caruana; "Teachers in Secret Vote Over Strike," by Avis Worthington; "Has Abbie Jumped Bail in Coke Case?," "People's Park Plan May Get Rector's Name;" "Cinque Called Police Patsy," by Sgt Pepper; "Newsman Busted;" "Coalition Makes Move: Oil Moguls Challenged," by Frederick U. Ross; "Valley Coalition Officers;" "SLA Bank Holdup Answers Some of the Questions," by Ric Reynolds; "Will Gerald Ford Survive San Jose This Weekend?;" "Gunman Suspended;" "Big 'Welcome' Planned for Nixon's Henchmen;" "Protest for Popeye;" "Inventing Diseases to Explain Away America's Violence;" "New Peralta College Plan Hits Snags," by David J. Kolsky; "PT&T CruciFiction: Old Ma Bell's Got a Hang Up," by Jennifer L. Thompson, photo by Janet Fries; "SLA Set-UP? Panther Bust Seen as Stage of Renewed Police Plot," by David Armstrong; "Charge Berkeley Agency Illegal," by Avis Worthington; "Terminal Pot Case;" "Berkeley Council Backs Harassed Trotskyist Party," by Avis Worthington; "Big Protest Demo to Throw Bum out;" "Sun Lovers Fight Atom Smashers," by Tom Plante; "Protest at Japanese Slaughter of Whales;" "Women Busted for Delivering Babies Without License;" "Computers Help Solve JFK Death;" "Psycho-Terror: How They Contract Your Consciousness," by David Armstrong; "Visitors Hassled: Hells Angel Chief Being Victimized in Folsom;" "Striking Utility Workers Seek Probe," by Avis Worthington; "Who Pays Income Tax Anyway?;" "Inquisitors Coming," by Gerry Lee-Borst; "Feminist Socialism: The Hard Core of the Dream," by Herbert Marcuse; "Kiss it All Goodbye;" "Free at Last! Tonto Gets Masked Man," by Berna Rauch; "Gleeson Synthesized," by Loren Means; "Carolee Cuts Through Light, Time and Space," Michael Reynolds on Carolee Schneeman; "Dracula is a Scream," by Berma Rauch; "Chess Barbs," by Jude Acers (U.S. Senior Master); "Sex Roles in the Sixties: Where the Girls Were At;" "Tonight as 'Conrack': A Wise Guy Liberal Crazy Stirring Up Black Kids," by Janet Fries; "Mott Lobotumizes Poet;" "New Stage, Old Story;" "Lenny Tries to Make You See the Way It Is," by Richard Casey; "Pop Culture a Little Overcooked;" "Silence Falls Over Berkeley," by Arnie Passman; "New French Movie is Real Talker," by Richard Casey; and "Getting to See Miles Becoming a Hassle," Loren Means on Miles Davis.