Double sided poster and program for "The Deer Park" premiered January 24, 1967. The recto includes a cast list, the verso includes program notes discussing the place and the time the film is set in. Actors include Rip Torn, Hugh Marlowe, Rosemary Tory, Gene Lindsey, Beverly Bentley, Mickey Knox, Margret O'Neill, Will Lee, Gary Campbell, Bernard Farbar, Mara Lynn, Marsha Mason, Joe McWherter, Leo Garen. ... [details]
1973 issue of Art-Rite edited by Joshua Cohn, Walter Robison, and Edith deAk. Images by Ted Stamm, Elbert Weinberg, Bentley Campbell, Charles Simonds, Bradford Graves, Les Levine, Marty Greenbaum, Alam Suicide, Tony King, Gordon Matta-Clark, Roger Welch, Claus, Peter Grass, Holly, Nancy Holt, Mary Miss, William Schneck, Julias Tobias, Tommy Schmidt, Christo, Abby Gerd, and Mike Robison. ... [details]