May 13, 1983 issue of the CalArts student arts and letters periodical wALT. Edited by Oren Schlieman. Contents include: "666," edited and by Mark David Brooks; "The Enemy (Gene)," by Harry Michale Portwood Jr. ... [details]
All issues published of the arts and letters periodical "X Motion Picture Magazine." Contributions by Diego Cortez, Terence Severine, Eric Mitchell, Kathy Acker, Michael McClard, Duncan Smith, Jacki Ochs, Mitch Corber, Alan Moore, James Nares, Jimmy de Sana, Betsy Sussler, Arturo Schwarz, Beth B, Tom Otterness, Dorian Brew, Robert Cooney, Nancy Murray, Bruce Wolmer, Terence C. ... [details]
Arts and letters periodical. Contributions by Beth B, Duncan Smith, Tom Otterness, Dorian Brew, Robert Cooney, Betsy Sussler, Nancy Murray, Bruce Wolmer, Terence C. Sellers, Seth Tillet, Tim Burns, Kathy Acker, Vivienne Dick, Diego Cortez, Scott B, Rene Ricard, Anya Phillips, Kirsten Bates, Robin Winters, Randi Cohen, Anonymous, Duncan Hannah, Ilona Granet, Marcia Resnick, F. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held March 28 - April 25, 1974. Playwrights, writers, and other contributors mentioned include Paul Abraham, Eugen D'Albert, Maxwell Anderson, Max Alsberg, Otto Ernst Hesse, Laurence Stallings, Carl Zuckmayer, Leonid Andrejew, Fred A. ... [details]
Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Glamour Wounds: Rhonda Lieberman on The Way We Are," by Rhonda Lieberman; "Democracy, Inc.: Diedrich Diederichsen and Jutta Koether on Springtime for Hitler," by Diedrich Diederichsen; "Press: Tina Lyons on Martha Stewart," by Tina Lyons; "Special Effects: Carol Squiers on the New Penile Code," by Carol Squiers; "Books: Beth Coleman on Bell Hook's 'Black Looks,'" by Beth Coleman; "Maurice Berger on Richard Bolton's 'Culture Wars,'" by Maurice Berger; "Real Life Rock: Greil Marcus' Top Ten," by Greil Marcus; "Hi-Yo Silver: Cady Noland's America," by Lane Relyea; "Soul City: An Interview with Alan Rudolph," by Rosetta Brooks; "Philip-Lorca diCorcia: Five Nights of a Dreamer," by Gary Indiana; "A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery inside an Enigma: The Art of S. ... [details]
Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Whitney Biennial 1993," by Hilton Als, Glenn O'Brien, Bruce W. Ferguson, David Rimanelli, Jan Avgikos, Greg Tate, Dan Cameron, David Deitcher, Thomas McEvilley, Liz Kotz, and Lawrence Chua; "History of the Suburbs: A Project for Artforum," by Molly Nesbit, Hilton Als, and Darryl Turner; "Identity Photographs," by Leïla Sebbar; "The High Windows: Dorothea Rockburne's Skyscapes," by Brooks Adams with Photographs by Tina Barney; "Just Mask," Beth Coleman talks with Elizabeth LeCompte and Kate Valk; "A Model Prisoner: James Casebere," by Ben Lifson; "Ireland's Eyes: New History from Beyond the Pale," by Declan McGonagle; "Remember, Re-member," by Alanna O'Kelly; "The Wind Blows Low: A Project for Artforum," by Nigel Rolfe; "Kindness and Wit," by Joan Fowler; "Private Voices, Public Spheres," by Luke Gibbons; "Cross' Purposes," by John Hutchinson; "Openings: Philippe Ramette," by Meyer Raphael Rubinstein. ... [details]
Reference catalog of the Pacific Telesis collection. Texts by Don Guinn, Sam Guinn, Judy Kay, Mark Levy and John Bloom. Artists include Ansel Adams, Mark Adams, Thomas Arndt, Lewis Baltz, Robert Bechtle, William Beckman, Ruth Bernhard, Wynn Bullock, Harry Callahan, Paul Caponigro, Richard Chiriani, William Clift, Bruce Cohen, Larry Cohen, Imogen Cunningham, Liliane DeCock, Willard Dixon, Randy Dudley, William Eggleston, Lee Friedlander, Garnett William, Laura Gilpin, Emmet Gowin, Nancy Hagin, Raymond Han, Linda Heiliger, Peter Holbrook, Keith Jacobshagen, Yvonne Jacquette, Dewitt Jones, Pirkle Jones, Michael Kenna, Robert Glenn Ketchum, Mark Klett, Gregory Kondos, Alma Lavenson, Joel Leivick, O. ... [details]
2010 Western edition of the bimonthly publication New American Paintings, edited by Toby Kamps. Juried by Bill Arning, Director of the Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas. Artists include Mark Aguhar, Jack Balas, Michael Bise, John Thomas Bissonette, Matthew Bourbon, Bernardo Cantu, Gregory Michael Carter, Joseph Cohen, K. ... [details]
Reference catalogue of the Conslidated Freightways Inc.'s art collection. Contributions by Judy Kay and Raymond F. O'Brien. Artists include Mark Adams, Ed Baynard, Elmer Bischoff, William Crutchfield, Ron Davis, Laddie John Dill, Richard Estes, Charles Gaines, David Hockney, Bryan Hunt, Keith Jacobshagen, Yvonne Jacquette, Robert Moskowitz, John Okulick, Nathan Oliveira, George Rickey, Edward Ruscha, Richard Sheehan, Saul Steinberg, Michael Steiner, Beth Van Hoesen, Barbara Weldon, Berenice Abbott, Ansel Adams, Robert Adams, Diane Arbus, Tom Arndt, Eve Arnold, Marynn Older Ausubel, Lewis Baltz, Ruth Bernhard, Lou Bernstein, Ilse Bing, Dave Bohn, Margaret Bourke-White, Harry Bowden, Esther Bubley, Wynn Bullock, Rudy Burckhardt, Harry Callahan, Peter Campus, Irving Canner, Cornell Capa, Paul Caponigro, Henri Cartier-Bresson, William Christenberry, William Clift, Mark Cohen, Bernard Cole, John Collier, Bruce Conner, Linda Connor, Marjorie Content, Harold Corsini, Ralston Crawford, Imogen Cunningham, Bill Dane, Henri Dauman, Bruce Davidson, Faurest Davis and many more. [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held in 1992. Essays by Diane Buitron, Beth Cohen, Norman Austin, George Dimock, Thomas Gould, William Mullen, Barry B. Powell and Michael Simpson. [details]