Collaborative artists' book edited by Aleksandra Mir and Tim Griffin, with contributions by 150 artists. "Bad reviews of 150 artists who submitted their worst reviews for reprint. Beginning in the 1960s and including translations from thirteen languages, this collaborative project makes for the broadest historical and geographical survey of severe Art Criticism, its shifting form, nature, and impact, by those directly subjected to it--the artists. ... [details]
Issue edited by Barbara Henning. Art editor: Miranda Maher. Contents "Sampler (Home Sweet Home," by Elaine Reichek; "Three Poems," by John Godfrey; "Portraits of Statues," by Christopher Gallagher; "Shear," by Allen Planz; "Mortal Coils," by Carolee Schneemann; "Mr Peacock," by David Rattray; "Collage," by Françoise Duvivier; "Two Poems," by David Abel; "Q (cue) - riosity," by Margret Wibmer; "Cris/Screams," by Joyce Mansour; "Access/Barrier," by Annette Lemieux; "Three Poems," by Elaine Equi; "Speak!" by David Humphrey; "Para-Logos: Interview," by Michael Pelias; "The Examiner," by Molly Hankwitz; "More Than You Know," by Lewis Warsh; "from 'Daily War,'" by Faith Wilding; "from 'The Front Matter, Dead Souls,'" by Leslie Scalapino; "from 'Difficult Books,'" by Miranda Maher; "from 'Rest Stops,'" by Lynn Crawford; "Photograph,'" by Stan Sadowski; "Uncle,'" by Dennis Moritz; "Nightwatch," by Rick Schaefer; "Fabric Reins," by Barbara Henning; "from 'Daily War,'" by Faith Wilding; "The 'I' Effect," by Chris Tysh; "Three Poems," by Gary Sullivan; "Collage," by Sally Young; "Two Poems," by Lorenzo Thomas; "My Calling (Cards)," by Adrian Piper; "Split Lead," by Lynne Dreyer; "Collage," by Françoise Duvivier; "The Implant," by Don David; "Three Poems," by Aaron Williamson; "ie," by Lisa Lesniak; "Three Poems," by Bernadette Mayer and Philip Good; "Element States," by Q. ... [details]
A quarterly feminist publication on art and politics. Issue edited by the Main Collective: Emma Amos, Kathie Brown, Josely Carvalho, Pennelope Goodfriend, Elizabeth Hess, Avis Lang, Lucy R. Lippard, Robin Michals, Sabra Moore, and Faith Wilding. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held October 23 - December 15, 2000. Essays by Catherine Tedford, Gary D. Sampson and Esther Parada, further contributions by Michael Hoffman, Mark C. ... [details]