Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held February 28 - June 2, 2013. Edited by Esther Schlicht and Max Hollein. Preface by Max Hollein. Essays by Hannes Böhringer, Nicholas Cullinan, Henning Engelke, Stéphane Guégan, Carolyn Kastner, Carolin Köchling, Ulf Küster, Johannes Meinhardt, Eva Meyer-Hermann, Sylvie Patry, Gerd Roos, Jeff L. Rosenheim, Hervé Vanel and the last interview with Andy Warhol from Paul Taylor. Includes a checklist of the exhibition. Text in German. "The catalogue centers on works by fourteen artists such as Claude Monet and Henri Matisse, who produced a late work that has received acclaim in the meantime, or Martin Kippenberger and Bas Jan Ader, who, when they died young, left us an almost unknown 'late work.'" --publisher's statement.