Critical theory by Cynthia Maris Dantzic, " extensive review of New York painters and their widely diverse works. It presents an overview of styles, mediums, subjects, even philosophies of art found in galleries, museums, and artists' studios of present-day New York, the oft-acknowledged Art Capital of the contemporary world. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held May 11 - June 18, 2006. Essays by Nancy Malloy and Annette Blaugrund. Artists include Anne Abrons, Eric Aho, Philip Allen, Gerald Auten, Donald Baechler, Lauren Bakoian, Hugo Xavier Bastidas, Margery Beaumont, Lynda Benglis, Kyle Bowen, Lynn Braswell, Riley Brewster, Petey Brown, Phong Bui, Tom Burckhardt, Kathy Butterly, Sam Cady, Jennifer Leigh Caine, David Campbell, Enrique Chagoya, John Chamberlain, Cassia Cogger, William Conlon, Terry Acebo Davis, Susanne Doremus, Geoffrey Dorfman, Charles S. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held October 28 - December 10, 2005. Contributions by Sanford Wurmfeld, Laura Beiles, Amy Horschak and Zachary Harris. Artists include Alice Trumbull Mason, Emily Mason and Cecily Kahn. ... [details]