Edited by Betsy Sussler. Essays "Apropos Daniel Schmid, Interview," by Gary Indiana; "Caligari's Children, Excerpts from a Screenplay," by Ann Powell and Rose Sand; "Burroughs," a film by Howard Brookner; "The Hour of the Ungovernable," by Michael Covino; "Lost Angels," by Michael Lally; "Untitled," by William Leavitt; "A Young Girl," by Hunter Drohojowska; "Untitled," by Johannes Vermeer; "Born in Flames," Lizzie Borden, interview by Betsy Sussler; "Cafe Deutschland," Jorg Immendorf, interview by Heidrun Reshoft; "The False Fear of the Christians," by Celsus; "Untitled," by Carl Apfelschnitt; "Mudd Toe the Cannibal," by James Purdy; "Untitled," by Kiki Smith; "Missing in Action," by Ann Powell; "Untitled," by George Condo; "I'm Not Waiting for My Ship To Come In, I'm Out Sailing," Robin Winters, interview by Betsy Sussler; "Interjections," by Antonin Artaud, translated by Clayton Eshleman and A. James Arnold; "The Loveless," by Kathryn Bigelow, Monty Montgomery, and Jeannette Montgomery; "International Youth," by Graig Gholson; "Untitled," by Jane Sazuki; "One of Milo Challenger's Stories," by Lisa Persky; "Untitled," by William Morris; "Faster Horses," by Dale Held; "Cliche City," by Becky Johnston; "Untitled," by Nancy Reese; "The Germans on Just About Everything," by Harry Kipper and Roger Herman; "Nurseries," by Melvin Jules Bukiet; "Untitled," by Hella Santa Rosa; "The Men in My Life," by Lisa Blaushild; "Untitled," by Mary Woronov; "I Was a Slumaholic," by Veronica Veiss.