objects: 2
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Earth, Air, Fire, Water : Elements of Art
  • exhibition catalogue
  • illustrated wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • spiral bound
  • black-and-white
  • 28 x 21 cm.
  • 2 vol. : 65 pp. ; 117 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
BOMB Magazine : Sculpture and Fiction
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 38 x 27.5 cm.
  • 76 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

BOMB Magazine : Sculpture and Fiction

No. 6

Betsy Sussler, Jene Highstein, David Seidner, Tina L'Hotsky, Eric Orr, Bruce Nauman, Tom Otterness, Louis Sarno, Chris Burden, Julia Heyward, Anthony McCall, Cookie Mueller, Alan Saret, Alice Aycock, Mary Heilmann, Sinclair Belles, Athos Ongaro, Rosie Moore, Natasha Nicholson, Kathleen Thomas, Judy Pfaff, Keith Sonnier, Dennis Oppenheim, Clayton Eshleman, Lynne Tillman, James Ford, Joel Shapiro, Ann Rower, Jacki Winsor, John Torreano, Nancy Graves, Tom Butter, Rachel Pollack, Christopher Sproat, Christy Rupp, R.M. Fischer, Luigi Ontani, Richard Miller, Angela Ho, Glenn O'Brien, Julian Schnabel, James Son Thomas, Gary Indiana, Italo Scanga, Brigid Kennedy, Jody Culkin, Lothar Fischer, Bryan Hunt, Fritz Mayer, Joel Fisher, Suzanne Harris, Craig Gholson, Joel Otterness, Luc Sante, Steve Wood, Kathy Acker, Mark Pauline, John Ahearn, Becky Howland, Peggy Katz, jerome Lhotsky, Michael Heizer, John Chamberlain, Anne Messner, Richard Serra, Jonathan Waters, Charles Saulson, Randy Hardy, Tom Bills, Robin Hill, Bill Enck, Felice Rossner, Alan Belcher, Tina Girouard, Andrea Callard, Not Vital, Barry Yourgrau, Susan Ensley, Robin Winters, Bonnie Sherk, Poppy Johnson, Arden Scott, David Seidner

1983 issue of BOMB Magazine. Edited by Betsy Sussler. Contributions by Jene Highstein, David Seidner, Tina L'Hotsky, Eric Orr, Bruce Nauman, Tom Otterness, Louis Sarno, Chris Burden, Julia Heyward, Anthony McCall, Cookie Mueller, Alan Saret, Alice Aycock, Mary Heilmann, Sinclair Belles, Athos Ongaro, Rosie Moore, Natasha Nicholson, Kathleen Thomas, Judy Pfaff, Keith Sonnier, Dennis Oppenheim, Clayton Eshleman, Lynne Tillman, James Ford, Joel Shapiro, Ann Rower, Jacki Winsor, John Torreano, Nancy Graves, Tom Butter, Rachel Pollack, Christopher Sproat, Christy Rupp, R. ... [details]

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objects: 2