"Far from frowning on literary rules and formulas, the contributors to this anthology see such constraints as stimuli for creativity. They belong to the Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle (Workshop of Potential Literature), or Oulipo. ... [details]
Large-scale critical look at French painting from David to Cézanne. Text by Jean Leymarie, translated into English by James Emmons. Only some of the artists and other figures mentioned in the text include Jean Adhémar, August AIguier, Claude-François-Théodore Aligny, , Georges Anthony, Louis Aragon, Zacharie Astruc, Jules-Robert Auguste, Antoine Bail, Edouard Baille, Honoré de Balzac, Armand Barbès, Maurice Barrès, F. ... [details]
Survey of the work of L.A. based artists before 1980. Edited by Lyn Kienholz with contributing editors Elizabeta Betinski and Corinne Nelson. Includes appendix. "'L.A. Rising SoCal Artists Before 1980' is the first comprehensive pictorial showcase of the diverse universe of artists working in the Los Angeles area during the formative period of Los Angeles' art history. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at The Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art in 1974, Montreal, Canada. Introduction by Fernande Saint-Martin. Artists include Louis Jaque, Omer Parent, Yves Trudeau, Roger Cavalli, Michel Champagne, Guy Bailey, Sindon Gécin, Fernande Pratte, Reynald Connolly, Marcelle Ferron, Peter Gnass, Claude Goulet, Yvon Cozic, Jean Noël, David Sorensen, Irène Whittome, Roger Vilder, Tib Beament, Ghitta Caiserman-Roth, Jennifer Dickson, Susan Hudson, Roslyn Swartzman, Kittie Bruneau, Richard Lacroix, Norman Laiberté, Alfred Pellan, Gilles Boivert, Marc Dugas, Michel Lancelot, Michel Leclair, Antoine Pentsch, Lise Gervais, Patrick Landsley, Rita Letendre, Guy Montpetit, André Théroux, Allan Bealy, Andrew Dutkewych, Suzy Lake, Leopold Plotek, Bill Vazan, Claude Girard, Suzanne Dumouchel, Robert Venor, André Philibert, Marie Langlois, Michèle Poirier, Suzanne Joubert, Maxime Cosma, Réal Arsenault, Robert Gauthier, Ronald-Arès Bergeron, François Dallaire, Kenneth Peters, Doreen Lindsay, Isabel Dowler-Gow, Louis Charpentier, Giuseppe Fiori, Maurice Raymond, Raymond Dupuis, Shirley Raphael. ... [details]