Carnegie Hall Program Insert for "Jail to Jungle: Charlotte Moorman & Nam June Paik," presented by Norman J. Seaman, perfomed on February 10, 1977. Cast included Charlotte Moorman, Nam June Paik, Steve Jobes, Clive Alexander Barnes, Beege Barkett, Brad Blaisdell, David Bourdon, Leo Burmester, Reverend Al Carmines, Don Creech, Kit Fitzgerald, John Gruen, Sheila Hendrickson, Jacqueline Knapp, Donald Keyes, Crista Lorne, Bruce McKeown, Carman Moore, Philip Murphy, Robert Projansky, Robert O'Reilly, John Sanborn, Norman Seaman, Shirlee Strother and Ken Urmston. ... [details]
"Contemporary Dance puts in to perspective the genius of American modern dance, explaining the meaning of the incredible variety of these new dances. Such distinguished dancers and choreographers as Lucinda Childs, Merce Cunningham, Laura Dean, Viola Farber, Alwin Nikolais, and Anna Sokolow tell how they work and discuss their ideas about dance. ... [details]