Issue number two of the bi-annually published periodical F.R. David. Edited by Ann Demeester, Will Holder and Dieter Roelstraete. Designed by Will Holder. Essays "The Plastic and the Poetic Form," by Goethe; "Ian Hamilton Finlay, an Illustrated Essay," by Stephen Bann; "Poetry as a Means for the Structuring of a Social Environment," by Eugen Gomringer; "Ici, le langage brille par son absence," by Jérôme Peignot; John & Yoko meet Experimental Jetset meet Marinetti; "Essex," by Matt Mullican; "Voiceless Alters of Flesh," by Steven Shearer; "Rundschreiben," by Martin Bormann; "A Lot of Searching Went into these Words," by Marc Nagtzaam; "The Location of A Circle," by Sol LeWitt; "Untitled," by Scott Myles; "The Votes Under My Bed," by Barry Johnston; "Bourgeois Poetry," by Kasper Andreassen; "What a. ... [details]
Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Editor's Letter: Snapshot of 2008," by Tim Griffin; "Film: Best of 2008," by John Waters, Amy Taubin, James Quandt, Karen Cooper, and Stuart Comer; "Music: Best of 2008," by Ryoji Ikeda, Robin Rimbaud, Damon Krukowski, Vashti Bunyan, and Brigitte Fontaine; "Books: Best of 2008," by Michael Hardt, Briony Fer, Jonathan Crary, Arthur C. ... [details]
"Portable document Format is the inaugural publication of the serving library, an institution of hospitality currently being assembled by Dexter Sinister. The first part of the book comprises thirteen texts which circulate around the library, by Rob Giampietro, Anthony Huberman, J. ... [details]