Periodical edited by Friedrich Wolfram Heubach. Texts by Steve Reich and Friedrich Wolfram Heubach. Includes projects by Bill Beckley, Sigmar Polke, Reiner Ruthenbeck, Didier Bay, Vito Acconci, Friedrich Heubach, Roger Welch, Marcel Broodthaers, Will Insley, Gufo Reale, Johannes Brus, William Wegman, John Baldessari, Philip Glass, Jon Gibson, Laura Dean, and Ulrich Meister, with cover image by Klaus Eschen and rear cover of Broodthaers. ... [details]
A near complete run including numbers 3 - 12 (lacking only numbers 1 and 2). Nos. 3 - 8 edited by Friedrich Wolfram Heubach; no. 9 by Heubach with others; no. 10 by Heubach with Werner Wagner; nos. 11 & 12 by B. ... [details]
Texts by Steve Reich and Friedrich Wolfram Heubach, cover by Lothar Baumgarten, edited by Friedrich Wolfram Heubach. Projects by indexed artists. [details]
Boxed reprint of the original periodical "Salon," a magazine with original contributions by contemporary artists. Published originally in 12 issues between April 1977 and October 1983. Edited by Gerhard Theewen. ... [details]
Collection of writings on the work of Christian Boltanski, Roger Welch, Didier Bay, Nancy Kitchel, Jean Le Gac, Anne and Patrick Poirier, Charles Simonds, Nancy Graves, Claudio Costa, Jean-Marie Bertholin, Nikolaus Lang, Paul-Armand Gette, and Jochen Gerz by Günter Metken. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Netherlands, August 10 - September 21, 1979. Essay by Alexander van Grevenstein. Artists include Servie Janssen, On Kawara, Bas Jan Ader, Carl Andre, Lothar Baumgarten, Didier Bay, Joseph Beuys, Christian Boltanski, Marcel Broodthaers, Daniel Buren, Jan Dibbets, Hamish Fulton, Jochen Gerz, Paul-Armand Gette, Gilbert & George, Douglas Huebler, Toon Leemans, Jean Le Gac, Richard Long, Danny Matthys, Panamarenko, Robert Smithson, and David Tremlett. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Cannaviello Studio d'Arte, Rome, Italy, 1974. Essay by Filiberto Menna. Artists include David Askevold, Michael Badura, John Baldessari, Didier Bay, Bill Beckley, Christian Boltanski, Robert Cumming, Jochen Gerz, Peter Hutchinson, Jean Le Gac, Franco Vaccari, William Wegman, and Roger Welch. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles, Belgium, September 26 - November 3, 1974. Preface by James Collins. Artists include David Askevold, Didier Bay, Bill Beckley, Robert Cumming, Peter Hutchinson, Jean Le Gac, and Roger Welch. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held in December 1990. Essay by Anne Dary. Artists include Vincenzo Agnetti, Didier Bay, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Joseph Beuys, David Boeno, Christian Boltanski, Bernard Borgeaud, Marie Bourget, Victor Burgin, Balthasar Burkhard, Ger Dekkers, Barbara Ess, Robert Filliou, Eric Fonteneau, Hamish Fulton, Jean-Louis Garnell, Jochen Gerz, Paul-Armand Gette, Sigurdur Gudmundsson, Andreas Gursky, Hans Haacke, John Hilliard, Louis Jammes, Steve Kahn, Barbara Kruger, Bertrand Lavier, Jean Le Gac, Barbara & Michaël Leisgen, Clegg & Guttmann, Urs Lüthi, Allan Mac Collum, Annette Messager, Patrick Meunier, Nils-Udo, Arnulf Rainer, Patrick Raynaud, Georges Rousse, Thomas Ruff, Jean Sabrier, Cindy Sherman, Philippe & Sylvain Soussans, Patrick Tosani, Françoise Vergier, Jeff Wall and Boyd Webb. [details]
Artists' periodical. "'Salon' consists of original contributions." Mostly comprised of photographs and illustrations. Cover art by Hans-Peter Feldmann. Contributions by Gerhard Theewen, Didier Bay, Cioni Carpi, Robert Cumming, Martin Disler, Pieter Holstein, Michel Sauer, Italo Scanga, Alex Silber, Rolf Winnewisser, and H. ... [details]