Issue edited by Jaakov Kohn. Contents include "Our Man in Atlanta," by Lennox Raphael; "When Will John V Lindsay Meet Buckminster Fuller," by Allan Katzman, with a photo by Zod Fenster; "From Lil with Love," by Lil Picard; "Poor Paranoid's Almanac," Allan Katzman; "Ego Rapsrapsraps," interview with Tim Hardin by Emmet Lake; "The Hanged Man," by Don Katzman; "Profligate Comix," written by Algernon Backwash, drawn by Manuel Rodriguez; "The Seen and How to Make It"; "Pop, Rock & Jelly," by Jules Freemond; "Number Four (November)," by Felix of the Silent Forest; "Number 5 - December," by Felix of the Silent Forest; "The Rise and Fall of the Haight Ashbury Empire!" by Joel Beck; "Vote Valentine / Here Begins a Tale of Arthur," by Arthur. [details]
Issue edited by Jaakov Kohn. Contents include "Will H. RAP Rap Brown Be Pressured Into Fasting to Death?" by Lennox Raphael; "Zap Zap Comix," drawn by M. Rodriguex, written by Algernon Backwash; " Poor Paranoid's Almanac," by Allan Katzman; "Pop Rock & Jelly," by Jules Freemond; "Slumgoddess," photo by Ronald E. ... [details]