March 1987 issue of Artforum, edited by Ingrid Sischy. Contents include: "The Opposite of Emptiness: On the Spirit in Art," by Thomas McEvilley; "Excuse Me Madame But It Seems To Me Unless I'm Mistaken That I've Met You Somewhere Before: A Conversation with Eugène Ionesco," by Sanda Miller; "Nine Beatitudes on Eight Pages: After 'Four Saints in Three Acts,' Another Act, with Pictures," by Ingrid Sischy; "Hans Haacke's Corporate Muse: 'Unfinished Business,'" by Jean Fisher; "The Sleeping Beauty in the Castle of Modern Art: A Slumberer Stirs," by Ida Panicelli; "Louise Bourgeois: Where Angels Fear to Tread, A Profile in Courage," by Donald Kuspit; "Museum Piece: Rain. ... [details]
Showbill for the 1962 season of plays staged at the Cherry Lane Theater in Greenwich Village. Introduction by Kermit Bloomgarden. Plays include: "Theater of the Absurd," by Samuel Beckett, directed by Alan Schneider: "Bertha," by Kenneth Koch, directed by Nicola Cernovich; "Gallows Humor," by Jack Richardson, directed by George L. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Museum of Art Carnegie Institute. Complete with essays by Leon A Arkus and Eugéne Ionesco and writing by the artist. "Pierre Alechinsky leans over the painting on the studio floor, his long Japanese brush poised in his left hand, Suddenly his meditative stance is broken by a rapid act of drawing-painting. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held April 28 - May 31, 1970 and travelling. Includes an interview with the artist by Peter Selz texts by Eugène Ionesco, André Balthazar and the artist. ... [details]
Collection of writings on theater in France by Georges Pillement. Playwrights mentioned include Billement himself, Jean Paul Sartre, Georges Neveux, Michel de Ghelderrode, Georges Schéhadé, Jean Vauthier, Arthur Adamov, Jacques Audiberti, Samuel Beckett, Eugène Ionesco, Jean Tardieu, Boris Vian, René de Obaldia, Roland Dubillard, Robert Pinget, Fernando Arrabal, Romain Weingarten, Marguerite Duras, Maurice Clavel, Marcel Aymé, Félicien Marceau, François Billetdoux, Jean Genet, and Pierre-Aristide Bréal. ... [details]