VHS video tape in NTSC format film directed by Frank Cantor and produced by Tyler Graphics LTD. "In this film trilogy renowned pop artist Roy Lichtenstein discusses his printmaking career over the course of two decades. ... [details]
An oversized newspaper documenting the print edition of the same name. Edited by Andrew Castrucci and Nadia Coën. Includes contributions and additional writings / illustrations by the editors, Paul Castrucci, Kostas Gounis, Miguel Algarín, Manon Briere, Chris Burden, Steven Cannon, Max Cantor, Monty Cantsin, Betzaida Concepcion, Martha Cooper, Jane Churchman, Yolanda Crespo, Dar, Daze, Eric Drooker, Joan Ellis, John Farris, John Fekner, Erik Freeman, Chico Garcia, Eduardo Galeano, Allen Ginsberg, Day Gleeson / Dennis Thomas, Kostas Gounis, David Hammons, Nathaniel "Junior" Hunter, Corrine Jennings, Hettie Jones, Jonathan Leake, Tom McGlynn, Marlis Momber, Frank Morales, Cookie Mueller, Maurice Narcis, Andrea Neumann, Pedro Pietri, John Pitts, Wes Power, Public Enemy, Adam Purple, Lee Quinones, John Ranard, Willie Right, Bimbo Rivas, Rivington School, Laurie Rizzo, James Romberger, Joel Rose, Sane, Andres Serrano, Walter Sipser, Neil Smith, Dan Tesser, Anton Van Dalen, Joshua Whalen, Marguerite Van Cook, Bruce Witsiepe, Krzysztof Wodiczko, David Wojnarowicz, Martin Wong and others. [details]
November 1990 issue of Artnews. Edited and published by MIlton Esterow, with written contributions by Esterow, Steven Henry Madoff, Andrew Graham-Dixon, Robin Cembalest, Edward M. Gomez, Mary Krienke, Brigid Grauman, Jonathan Turner, Ferdinand Protzman, John Peter Nilsson, Patricia Failing, Elizabeth Licata, Ruth Bass, Richard B. ... [details]