Vintage xerox copy fo the essay "The Role of the Legal Advisor in Relation to Artistic Purposes : As Illustrated in 'Matter of Rothko,'" by Assistant State Attorney General of New York, Gustave Harrow, council in the litigation of "Matter of Rothko," a court case between Mark Rothko's daughter Kate Rothko and the directors of Marlborough Fine Art, Rothko's gallery. [details]
Reprint of Gustave Harrow's text, originally published within Journal of Arts Management and Law. "This difficult and challenging exploration into the nature of creativity itself speaks about artistic creation, freedom, and control. ... [details]
"This book makes available a series of documents concerning the attempt by a United States Government Agency (the General Services Administration) to remove and thereby destroy Richard Serra's Tilted Arc, a sculpture at Federal Plaza, New York City. ... [details]