Exhibition catalogue issued in conjunction with show held January 7 - 29, 1972. Exhibition documented Paula Cooper's gallery and a selection of her artists. Show included works by, Lynda Benglis, Joel Fisher, Peter Forakis, Charles Ginnever, Grace Glueck, Robert Grosvenor, Keith Hollingworth, Bernard Kirschenbaum, George Kuehn, Forrest Myers, Harvey Quaytman, Edwin Ruda, Doug Sanderson, Joel Shapiro, Alan Shields, Richard Van Buren, Joseph P. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at The Jewish Museum, New York, November 6 - March 27, 2016. Curated by Jens Hoffmann, Daniel S. Palmer, and Kelly Taxter. Edited and with a text by Jens Hoffmann. ... [details]