First issue of "View: The Modern Magazine," a special issue on Marcel Duchamp published in 1945. Edited by Charles Henri Ford. Articles include: "Flag of Ecstasy," by Charles Henri Ford; "The Point of View: Testimony," and "Lighthouse of the Bride," by Andre Breton; "Marcel Duchamp in the Arensberg Collection," by James Thrall Soby; "Magic Circles," by Gabrielle Buffet; "Rrose Selavy (1921-23)," by Robert Desnos; "Marcel Duchamp, Anti-Artist," by Harriet and Sidney Janis; "Cheat to Cheat," by Nicolas Calas; "Les Larves D'Imagie, D'Henri robert Marcel Duchamp," by Frederick J. Kiesler; "The New Jazz," by Barry Ulanov; "Bilingual Bography," by Man Ray; "O Marcel-otherwise: I Also Have Been to Louise's," monologue transcribed by Mina Loy; "Duchampiana," by Julien Lecy; "A Portrait," by Henrie Waste; "America Discovers Marcel," by Robert Allerton Parker; and "The Limit of the Probable in Modern Painting," by Leon Kochnitzky. Reproductions of artwork by Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Florine Stettheimer, Joseph Cornell, Max Ernst, Maya Deren, Yves Tanguy, and Matta. Front and back cover designed by Marcel Duchamp. Text in English and French.