Press release promoting "Law & Disorder," for a "special one-issue magazine" to be published October 17, 1968 which features work by Arthur Shay. "Cover and contents are expected to raise a storm of controversy between 'law and order' and the civil-libertarian factions of American society. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Franklin Furnace, New York, September 18 - November 14, 1992 ; the Emily Harvey Gallery, New York, September 18 - November 14, 1992 ; and the Anthology Film Archives, September 19 - October 11, 1992. ... [details]
"What the Sound Looks Like is a visual celebration of the music of the Talking Heads by over fifty international contemporary artists." -- publisher's statement. Texts by Talking Heads and Frank Olinsky. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Essays "Constance DeJong, I.T.I.L.O.E.," by Richard Beckett, "Michael McClard, The Naked Eye," by Betsy Sussler; "Interview," by Paul Bowles; "Un Tour d'Hoizon," by Richard Armstrong; "The White Shirt," by Burt Barr; "Evening," by Barry Yourgrau; "Harry at Work, A Scenes from Harry's Story," by Michael Alfie; "My First Poem," by Peter Scheldahl; "Summer 1980," by Luc Sante; "Clinton Street," by Fred Brathwaite and Olivier Mosset; "Some Photographs and Brain," by Jane Warrick; "Is It Hemingway or Is It Memorex," by Glenn O'Brien; "The Shoestore in Caborca. ... [details]