Single fold program for "Edison : 4 Acts of a Work-In-Progress," by Robert Wilson, presented by the Byrd Hoffman Foundation at the Lion Theater, New York, June 19-24, 1979. Cast included Philippe Chemin, John Erdman, Isabel Eberstadt, Keith McDermott, Terrell Robinson, Randy Buck, Susan Berman, Saundra Johnson, Joniruth White and Ralph Douglas. ... [details]
Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Passages: Ronald Jones on Martin Kippenberger," by Ronald Jones; "Books: Thomas Crow on 'Rethinking the Youth Question,'" by Thomas Crow; "Books: Andrew Hultkrans on 'zine anthologies," by Andrew Hultkrans; "Spin Cycle: Barbara Kruger on Trouble Girls," by Barbara Kruger; "Spin Cycle: Matt Ashare on Helium," by Matt Ashare; "Spin Cycle: Christoph Cox on Sub Rosa," by Christoph Cox; "Hot List: Julia Scher on Virtual Travel," by Julia Scher; "Real Life Rock: Greil Marcus' Top Ten," by Greil Marcus; "Jack by Popular Demand: Jack Smith in Retrospect," by Gary Indiana, Rene Ricard, P. ... [details]