Documents exhibitions from the first eight years of the New York alternative art space 112 Workshop. Entries are organized in chronological order, with textual information on the artists involved in each exhibition, as well as full page reproductions of works shown. ... [details]
Reference catalogue of the Conslidated Freightways Inc.'s art collection. Contributions by Judy Kay and Raymond F. O'Brien. Artists include Mark Adams, Ed Baynard, Elmer Bischoff, William Crutchfield, Ron Davis, Laddie John Dill, Richard Estes, Charles Gaines, David Hockney, Bryan Hunt, Keith Jacobshagen, Yvonne Jacquette, Robert Moskowitz, John Okulick, Nathan Oliveira, George Rickey, Edward Ruscha, Richard Sheehan, Saul Steinberg, Michael Steiner, Beth Van Hoesen, Barbara Weldon, Berenice Abbott, Ansel Adams, Robert Adams, Diane Arbus, Tom Arndt, Eve Arnold, Marynn Older Ausubel, Lewis Baltz, Ruth Bernhard, Lou Bernstein, Ilse Bing, Dave Bohn, Margaret Bourke-White, Harry Bowden, Esther Bubley, Wynn Bullock, Rudy Burckhardt, Harry Callahan, Peter Campus, Irving Canner, Cornell Capa, Paul Caponigro, Henri Cartier-Bresson, William Christenberry, William Clift, Mark Cohen, Bernard Cole, John Collier, Bruce Conner, Linda Connor, Marjorie Content, Harold Corsini, Ralston Crawford, Imogen Cunningham, Bill Dane, Henri Dauman, Bruce Davidson, Faurest Davis and many more. [details]