June 1974 issue of Studio International with cover specially designed for this issue by Norman Stevens. Edited by Peter Townsend. Contents include: "The market system and the arts," by John Kenneth Galbraith; "Politics in art," by Su Braden; "Creativity at work - Artists' Space," by Derek Seagrief; "Phillip King," by Barry Martin; "The iconoclastic fury," by Andrei B. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show of "SMS: The Portable Museum of Original Multiples in 6 Portfolios Published in 1968 by The Letter Edged in Black Press," held October 11 - December 11, 1988. ... [details]
Program for "The Writer's Opera" by Rosalyn Drexler and directed by John Vaccaro at the Theater for the New City in [1979]. Includes short biographies for Rosalyn Drexler, John Vaccaro, Gordon Bressac, Marie Antoinette Rogers, Crystal Field, Nameer El-Kadi, Madeleine le Roux, Naseer El-Kadi, Joe Pichette, Bill Rice, John Albano, John Braden, Wes Cronk, Charles Embry, Bernard Roth, June Ekman, Steve Reed. [details]