Exhibition catalogue published as an overview of performances and exhibitions held at The Kitchen in New York in 1974 and 1975. Introduction by Bruce Kurtz. Artists include: Ant Farm, Eleanor Antin, John Baldessari, Kirsten Bates, Connie Beckley, David Behrens, David Behrman, Carmen Beuchat, Scott Billingsley, Trisha Brown, Jim Burton, Jim Byrne, Peter Campus, Cornelius Cardew, Sergio Cervetti, Rhys Chatham, Peggy Cicierska, Andy Mannik, Jim Cobb, David Cort, Alvin Curran, Barbara Dilley, Juan Downey, Jean Depuy, Susan Ensley, Henry Flynt, Nova'Billy, Simone Forti, Jon Gibson, Davidson Gigliotti, Frank Gillette, Tina GIrouard, Dan Graham, Amy Greenfield, Ellen Grossman, Noel Harding, Julia Heyward, Nancy Holt, Gerard Hovagimyan, Nelson Howe, Tannis Hugill, Tom Johnson, Joan Jonas, Beryl Korot, Jill Kroesen, Shigeko Kubota, Robert Kushner, Richard Landry, Darcy Lange, Garrett List, Anna Lockwood, Alvin Lucier, Jackson Mac Low, Ingram Marshall, Michael McClard, Mike Metz, Dick Miller, Phill Niblock, Steve Paxton, Liz Phillips, Virginia Quesada, Eliane Radique, Steve Reich, Jonathan Richman, Ripert Center, Joost Romeu, Jim Rosenberg, Leon Rosenblatt, Martha Rosler, Arthur Russell, Ira Schneider, Robin Schwartz, Allen Sekula, S. ... [details]
Promotional poster for the 9th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival presented by Charlotte Moorman aboard the riverboat "Alexander Hamilton" at South Street Seaport Museum, Pier 16, New York City, October 28, 1972, "hopefully" in Poughkeepse, New York, October 29, 1972 and in Albany, New York, October 30, 1972. ... [details]
Inaugural issue of Corpus, edited by William G. Brandt. Contents include "Friends;" "10th City," by Dr. Ed Wode, photograph by Antonia Houtay; "Muhammad Ali Speaks Out," an interview with Muhammad Ali by William Gillbrandt, photos by Val Ledovsky; "Moondog," by Steven Fuller; "Daniel Nagrin: Can One Man Stop A War?," by Larry Bercowitz; "An Interview with John Vaccaro," by Paula Kay Pierce, photographs by Jonathan Siegel, collage by Eric Noel; "Impressions on the Playhouse of the Ridiculous' Production of Heaven Grand in Amber Orbit. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held April 10 - June 5, 1983. Interview with Alana Heiss. Includes selected one-man exhibitions, selected group exhibitions and selected public collections. ... [details]
"This anthology brings together seminal articles from one of America's most distinguished architecture magazines, copies of which are now extremely difficult to locate. Published and edited by John Entenza from 1938 to 1962, when he left Los Angeles to direct the Graham Foundation full time, Arts & Architecture played a significant role in the cultural history of Los Angeles and in the development of American modernism in general. ... [details]
Survey of the work of L.A. based artists before 1980. Edited by Lyn Kienholz with contributing editors Elizabeta Betinski and Corinne Nelson. Includes appendix. "'L.A. Rising SoCal Artists Before 1980' is the first comprehensive pictorial showcase of the diverse universe of artists working in the Los Angeles area during the formative period of Los Angeles' art history. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held October 17 - November 1, 1980. Essays by Jacki Apple, Mary Jane Jacob, Lori Christmastree and Barbara Tannenbaum. Artists included in the exhibition Pi Benio, Kathy Constantinides, Larry Cressman, Naomi Dickerson, Susan kae Grant, Ruth Brownell Green, Michael P. ... [details]
Parachute magazine of contemporary art, 32nd issue released Fall 1983. Essays include: "Comment Peut-On Être Wagnérien?" by Jean-Jacques Nattiez; "Representation and Sexuality," by Kate Linker; "John Clark: Style, Narrative and Object," by Bruce Grenville; "L'espace Immaculé Dans Les Films De Straub-Huillet (Ne Montre Rien) by Stephen Sarrazin; "Melvin Charney," by Bruce Grenville; "Tom Sherman," by Trevor Gould; "Rebecca Garrett/ Lyne Lapointe," by Elke Town; "R. ... [details]