Fall 1978 issue of the literature and art periodical " So & So," published by John Marron. Includes: "8 Poems," by Luis Garcia; "A Story About a Family, & Some People Changing," by Cindy Lubar; "3 Cartoons," by Leavenworth Jackson; "Nobody Wants to Hear You Talk About Your Mother," by Ali; "4 Typewriter Pieces," by Christopher Knowles; "4 Poems," by Al Santoli; "syzygy," by Bill Benton; "A I SUE OC," by Tom Savage; "Song," by Abby Child; "Manifesto," by Allen Ginsberg; "Letter to Chris R. ... [details]
Final, double, winter issues VII & VIII of the quarterly publication. Edited by Madeleine Burnside and Andrew Kelly, this issue features works by Bruce Andrews, Beau Beausoleil, Steve Benson, Richard Kostelanetz, John Marron, Barbara Noda, Larry Price, Gail Sher, and Jim Wine. ... [details]