Issue number 1 from the 11 volume run of the periodical "Review for Everything." Unedited by Dieter Roth, the founder and publisher. Contents include: "Foreword," by Dieter Roth; "3 Poems," by John Funival; "2 Poems 1 Drawing," by Jonas Hafner; "4 Poems," by Alice Henderson; "1 Story," by Mario della Torro, with an illustration by André Thomkins; "3 Poems," by Dom Sylvester Houédard; "6 Poems," by Ronald Johnson; "1 Story," by Dietrich Kothe, with an illustation by André Thomkins; "1 Speech," by Flosi Ólafsson; "1 Composition," by Björn Roth; "1 Picture Story," by Karl Roth; "1 Story with Illustration," by Vera Roth; and "1 Poem," by Konrad Balder Schaüffelen. ... [details]
Issue 6 of an 11 volume run of the periodical. Includes works by Dieter Roth,Marcello Angioni, Franco Beltrametti, Monika Binder, Marja Bloem, Buchdienst Fesch-Wien, Ernst Buchwalder, Daoi Guobjörnsson, Eggert Einarsson, Por Johannesson, Christoph Derschau, Manfred Eigendorf, Manfred Ferrari, Michael C. ... [details]
Issue 5 of an 11 volume run of the periodical. Includes works by Dieter Roth, Marcello Amgioni, K. Ari, Konrad Bayer, Bettina Best, Klaus Renner, Franco Beltrametti, Björn Benediktsson, Björn Roth, DFA Blöbaum, Buchdienst Fesch, Heinz Cibulka, Christoph Derschan, Michael Diers, Eggert, Eggert Petursson, Michael Glasmeier, Katja Guggenheim, Günter Gufen, Gisli Johannsson, Gunnar Gunnersson, Sigvaldi Asgeirsson, Afra Hafner, Bernhard Hafner, Georg Hafner, Jonas Hafner, Hansjoachim Heuschner, Günter Hesse, Norbert Hübner, Wolfgang Höchner, Karsten Hundertmark, Johannes Hüppi, Wilfried Ihrig, and others. ... [details]
Vol. 18 of the German literary magazine Glossolalie. Features contributions by Horace Walpole, Michel Leiris, Gerhard Rühm, André Thomkins, Mauricio Kagel, Unica Zürn, Hanna Johansen, Reinhard Priessnihz, Siu Nih In, Elfried Jelinek, Hartmut Riederer, Elfriede Czurda, Ilma Rakusa, Jonas Hafner, Ursula Krechel, Robert Kelly, Oskar Herzberg, Alois Dallmayr, and Gustav Sievers. ... [details]
Poster / announcement published in conjunction with opening held June 14, 1970. Artists included Joseph Beuys, Jonas Hafner, and Johannes Stüttgen. Text in German. [details]