May 1969 issue of Man and World edited by Joseph M. Anderson, Joseph J. Kockelmans and Calvin O. Schrag. Contents includes: "The Grounds of Ethical Universality in Aristotle," by Joseph Owens; "Die Welt der Instituitionen. Ihre philosophischen Grundaspekte," by Amadeo Silva-Tarouca; "Worlds and World Views," by Stephen A. Erickson; "Alienation and the Status Quo," by Joseph C. Flay; "Ist die klassische Logik im leeren Individuenbereich gültig?," by K. Berka; "Privacy," by Robert Ehman; "La filosofia e la metodologia della scienza oggi in Italia," by Vittorio Somenzi; "Vers une philosophie de la psychose," by W. Ver Eecke; Book reviews: Lev Shestov on "Athens and Jerusalem" by Edward G. Ballard and Paul Ricoeur on "Freedom and Nature. The Voluntary and the Involuntary," by Robert R. Ehman; and "Chronicles."