Exhibition catalogue published as an overview of performances and exhibitions held at The Kitchen in New York in 1974 and 1975. Introduction by Bruce Kurtz. Artists include: Ant Farm, Eleanor Antin, John Baldessari, Kirsten Bates, Connie Beckley, David Behrens, David Behrman, Carmen Beuchat, Scott Billingsley, Trisha Brown, Jim Burton, Jim Byrne, Peter Campus, Cornelius Cardew, Sergio Cervetti, Rhys Chatham, Peggy Cicierska, Andy Mannik, Jim Cobb, David Cort, Alvin Curran, Barbara Dilley, Juan Downey, Jean Depuy, Susan Ensley, Henry Flynt, Nova'Billy, Simone Forti, Jon Gibson, Davidson Gigliotti, Frank Gillette, Tina GIrouard, Dan Graham, Amy Greenfield, Ellen Grossman, Noel Harding, Julia Heyward, Nancy Holt, Gerard Hovagimyan, Nelson Howe, Tannis Hugill, Tom Johnson, Joan Jonas, Beryl Korot, Jill Kroesen, Shigeko Kubota, Robert Kushner, Richard Landry, Darcy Lange, Garrett List, Anna Lockwood, Alvin Lucier, Jackson Mac Low, Ingram Marshall, Michael McClard, Mike Metz, Dick Miller, Phill Niblock, Steve Paxton, Liz Phillips, Virginia Quesada, Eliane Radique, Steve Reich, Jonathan Richman, Ripert Center, Joost Romeu, Jim Rosenberg, Leon Rosenblatt, Martha Rosler, Arthur Russell, Ira Schneider, Robin Schwartz, Allen Sekula, S. ... [details]
All issues published of the arts and letters periodical "X Motion Picture Magazine." Contributions by Diego Cortez, Terence Severine, Eric Mitchell, Kathy Acker, Michael McClard, Duncan Smith, Jacki Ochs, Mitch Corber, Alan Moore, James Nares, Jimmy de Sana, Betsy Sussler, Arturo Schwarz, Beth B, Tom Otterness, Dorian Brew, Robert Cooney, Nancy Murray, Bruce Wolmer, Terence C. ... [details]
Arts and letters periodical. Contributions by Beth B, Duncan Smith, Tom Otterness, Dorian Brew, Robert Cooney, Betsy Sussler, Nancy Murray, Bruce Wolmer, Terence C. Sellers, Seth Tillet, Tim Burns, Kathy Acker, Vivienne Dick, Diego Cortez, Scott B, Rene Ricard, Anya Phillips, Kirsten Bates, Robin Winters, Randi Cohen, Anonymous, Duncan Hannah, Ilona Granet, Marcia Resnick, F. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue for show held June 16 - July 11, 1975. Introduction by Alanna Heiss and Linda Blumberg. Text by Peter Frank. Includes artists' projects by Kirsten Bates, Bill Beirne, Anthony McCall, Michael McClard, Jim Cobb, Colette, Ralston Farina, Dieter Froese, Coleen Fitzgibbon, Julia Heyward, Davi det Hompson, Taka Iimura, Gianfranco Mantegna, Rita Myers, Virginia Piersol, Marcia Resnick, Angels Ribe, Judy Rifka, Joost Romeu, Willoughby Sharp, Ted Victoria, Yoshi Wada, Robin Winters. [details]
Documents exhibitions from the first eight years of the New York alternative art space 112 Workshop. Entries are organized in chronological order, with textual information on the artists involved in each exhibition, as well as full page reproductions of works shown. ... [details]