Issue edited by Nan Richardson. Includes: Photo essays often paired with texts: "Peter Morello: Remembrance Day" with "Heroes," by Glenn O'Brien; "John Baldessari: The Hero," with "Hero Negative," by Edward Limonov; "Tseng Kwong Chi: Monuments and Natural Wonders;" "Bill Burke: I want to Take Picture," with an interview with Burke by Willis Hartshorn; "David Levinthal: The West," with "Property, Patriotism and the National Defense," by Wendell Berry; "Mark Chambers," with "Armed Forces," by Erika Beckman; "Stephen Frailey;" "Larry Johnson," with "Stars and Stardom," by David Robbins; "The Labor of Psyche," by Lee Edwards, Photographs by Minnette Lehmann, Barbara Kruger, Annette Lemieux and Julie Ault; "Jeff Weiss;" "The Starn Twins," with "The Hero Cycle," by Bruce Chatwin; "Richard Baim;" "Clegg & Guttman;" "Krzystof Wodiczko," with "The Fascist Guns in the West," by J. ... [details]
Reference catalog of the Pacific Telesis collection. Texts by Don Guinn, Sam Guinn, Judy Kay, Mark Levy and John Bloom. Artists include Ansel Adams, Mark Adams, Thomas Arndt, Lewis Baltz, Robert Bechtle, William Beckman, Ruth Bernhard, Wynn Bullock, Harry Callahan, Paul Caponigro, Richard Chiriani, William Clift, Bruce Cohen, Larry Cohen, Imogen Cunningham, Liliane DeCock, Willard Dixon, Randy Dudley, William Eggleston, Lee Friedlander, Garnett William, Laura Gilpin, Emmet Gowin, Nancy Hagin, Raymond Han, Linda Heiliger, Peter Holbrook, Keith Jacobshagen, Yvonne Jacquette, Dewitt Jones, Pirkle Jones, Michael Kenna, Robert Glenn Ketchum, Mark Klett, Gregory Kondos, Alma Lavenson, Joel Leivick, O. ... [details]