Magazine of New Music. Essays: "Edito," Carol E. Tuynman; "Get Your Own Show!" by Don Joyce; "Dirty Decibels: Noise Pollution in NYC," by Robert Weisberg and Regine Beyer; "RRRecords: R U RRReady," by Lang Thompson; "New Faces: George Cisneros," by Iris Brooks; "Sounds from the Slag Heap," by Suzanne Stefanac; "Pere Ubu: Cleveland Caustics," by Carle VP Groome; "Maryanne Amacher: Architect of Aural Design," by Leah Durner; "Rhys Chatham: Rhys' Pieces," by Julia Szabo; "Meet the Noisemakes: Borbetomagus," by Neil Strauss; "Benoit Maubrey: Dressed to Shrill," by Charles S. Russell; "Festival Musique Actuelle," by David LL Laskin; "Sound Symposium," by Amy Sparks; "Ars Electronice," by Neil Strauss; "Eareviews: Performances," by Jody Dalton, David Simons, Sabine Matthes, and Robert Hicks; "Eareviews: Records," by Carle VP Groome, Jody Dalton, Dean Suzuki; "Eareviews: CDs," by Phil Harmonic; "Eareviews: Cassettes," by Charles Russell and Neil Strauss; "Private Ear," by Howard Mandel; "New Music Calendar," by Steven Nagy; "From the Art of Noises," by Luigi Russolo. Cover photograph of Maryanne Amacher by Laure A. Leber.