Single sided poster published in conjunction with show held January 1-2, 6-7, 8-9, and 13-16, [1967]. Books and lyrics by Helen Adam with Pat Adam; music by Al Carmines; directed by Lawrence Kornfeld; set by Lee Guilliat; costumes by Nancy Christofferson and Maria Irene Fornes; lighting by Patrika Brown; starring Reathel Bean, David Berk, Ronald K. ... [details]
Single sided flyer for a live performance and a film screening of "Sames" by Kenneth Dewey and Terry Riley at the Film-Maker's Cinematheque, New York City, November 20, 1965. Film by Jerry Chalem. Technical assistance by Bob [Robert] De Niro. ... [details]
Fall 1978 issue of the New York-based periodical Performing Arts Journal. Edited by Bonnie Marranca and Gautam Dasgupta, with written contributions by Theodor Adorno, Daniel C. Gerould, Andrei Bely, John Howell, Kenneth King, Ronald Jenkins, Theodore Shank, Lee Worley, Spalding Gray, Elizabeth LeCompte, and Lenora Champagne. ... [details]