Poster published in conjunction with show "Naming Tokyo (Part II)," held at the Swiss Institute, New York, November 13 – December 20, 2003. Originally produced as a commission for Palais de Tokyo in Paris as part of the exhibition "GNS: Global Navigation System. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Kunstverein Braunschweig, Cologne, May 16 - July 25, 2004. Foreword and preface by Karola Grässlin, with an essay by Dominic Eichler. Includes an exhibition checklist, bibliography, and bibliography. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held January 29 - April 17, 2006. Essays by Michael Darling and Friedrich Wolfram Heubach. Artists include Anselm Reyle, Ivan Morley, Rodney McMillian, Lucy McKenzie, Mark Grotjahn, Gillian Carnegie, and Kai Althoff. [details]
Exhibition catalogue with artists' projects published in conjunction with shows held at three venues in Ljubljana: the International Centre of Graphic Arts, the Museum of Modern Art, and the National Museum of Slovenia, June 10 - September 28, 2003. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Kunsthaus Graz, Austria, June 6 - August 30, 2009. Curated by Diedrich Diederichsen. Edited by Peter Pakesch and Diedrich Diederichsen. Text by Diedrich Diederichsen, Dirck Linck, Nora Sdun, and Christian Höller. ... [details]
Artists' book edited by James Hoff -- a recompilation of Artforum magazine's monthly Top Ten column written by a rotating cast of artists, scholars, actors and other superstars from 1998 to 2008. Comprised of direct copies of the author's pages from the magazine coupled with black boxes representing the supporting images. ... [details]
Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Books: Caroline A. Jones on 'Mirror-Travels: Robert Smithson and History,'" by Caroline A. Jones; "Film: Thad Ziolkowski on 'Riding Giants,'" by Thad Ziolkowski; "Film: Isaac Julien on 'Baadasssss!,"' by Isaac Julien; "Media: Abigail Solomon-Godeau's Dispatches from the Image Wars," by Abigail Solomon-Godeau; "On Site: Tom Vanderbilt on New-model Flash Mobs," by Tom Vanderbilt; "Performance: Jonathan Gilmore on William Kentridge's 'Ritorno d'Ulisse,'" by Jonathan Gilmore; "Slant: David Rimanelli Gives his Class Homework," by David Rimanelli; "News: Peter Plagens on the Whitney's New Curators," by Peter Plagens; "Top Ten," by Lucy McKenzie; "Black-box Theater: Minimalism Revisited; Specific Objections: Three Exhibitions," by Yve-Alain Bois; Black-box Theater: Minimalism Revisited; Wear and Care: Preserving Judd," by Ann Temkin; "Black-box Theater: Minimalism Revisited; Artists Takes," by Josiah McElheny, Robert Gober, and Andrea Zittel; "Black-box Theater: Minimalism Revisited; Language in the Vicinity of Art: Artists' Writings, 1960-1975," by Jeffrey Weiss; "1000 Words: Anthony McCall," by Jeffrey Kastner; "No More Scale: The Experience of Size in Contemporary Sculpture," by James Meyer; "Portfolio: Ed Ruscha," by Scott Rothkopf; "Openings: Taft Green," by Jan Tumlir. ... [details]
Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Film: Best of 2005," by John Waters, Amy Taubin, James Quandt, Chrissie Iles, Isaac Julien; "Music: Best of 2005," by Dennis Cooper, Stephen Vitiello, Christoph Cox, Susie Ibarra, and Debra Singer; "Books: Best of 2005," by Yve-Alain Bois, Pamela M. ... [details]
Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Passages: Carey Lovelace on Arlene Raven," by Carey Lovelace; "Film: Elizabeth Schambelan on Diane Arbus," by Elizabeth Schambelan; "Film: Tom Vanderbilt on 'Our Daily Bread,'" by Tom Vanderbilt; "On Site: Gregory Sholette on Hans Haacke's Memorial to Rosa Luxembourg," by Gregory Sholette; "On Site: Carol Armstrong on the Whitney Museum and Tate Modern Collections; "Sound: Damon Krukowski on Bob Dylan's 'Theme Time Radio Hour,' by Damon Krukowski; "Sound: Michael Wilson on Dubstep," by Michael Wilson; "Top Ten," by Fia Backström; "Matters of Appearance: An Interview with Alain Badiou," by Lauren Sedofsky; "Outside In: The Art of Lucy McKenzie," by Thomas Lawson; "Something Different: Lucy McKenzie Curates"; "Sculpture's Orbit: The Art of Gabriel Orozco," by Briony Fer; "1000 Words: Joan Jonas," by Seth Price; "According to What: Jasper Johns's Flag," by Anne M. ... [details]
Issue edited by Bice Curiger. Contents include: "Cosmic Intimacy: An Approach to the Work of Anna Boghiguian," by Nuria Enguita Mayo; "Marc Camille Chaimowicz's Provisional Interiors," by Kirsty Bell; "Appropriation, Replication, Imitation," by Lucy McKenzie; "Forensic Elegance: Investigating the Art of Camille Chaimowicz," by Michael Bracewell; "Salon Painting," by Colby Chamberlain; "Art as Virus," by Nicolas Bourriaud; "Slippery Skin," by Ruba Katrib; "John Waters, An Alphabet Book," by Christine Macel; "JW 101," by Jay Sanders; "Preliminary Scripts to be Read by Marianne Faithfull for the Audio Guide to a Few Works in John Water's Next Exhibition," by Bruce Hainley; "Moving in a Bigger Direction," by Xu Zhen & Philip Tinari; "Made in Heaven," by Monika Szewczyk; "Indecent Proposals," by Philippe Pirotte; and "Les Infos du Paradis," by Julieta González. ... [details]