Fall 1978 issue of the literature and art periodical " So & So," published by John Marron. Includes: "8 Poems," by Luis Garcia; "A Story About a Family, & Some People Changing," by Cindy Lubar; "3 Cartoons," by Leavenworth Jackson; "Nobody Wants to Hear You Talk About Your Mother," by Ali; "4 Typewriter Pieces," by Christopher Knowles; "4 Poems," by Al Santoli; "syzygy," by Bill Benton; "A I SUE OC," by Tom Savage; "Song," by Abby Child; "Manifesto," by Allen Ginsberg; "Letter to Chris R. ... [details]
Spring 1975 issue of the arts and letters periodical Stooge. Edited by Geoffrey Young and Laura Chester. Contributions by Francis Picabia, Stan Rice, Mowry Baden, Tom Clark, Kathy Acker, Anselm Hollo, David Benedetti, Stephen Rodefer, Jim Gustafson, Laura Chester, Russell Edson, Summer Brenner, F. ... [details]