Issue edited by John Wilcock. Cover art "From the Chelsea Hotel with Love," by Mimmo Rotella. Essays "Using the Brain as a Computer," by Edward de Bono; photographs by Benedict J. Fernandez; comic by Radical American Comics; "Life," poem by Michael O'Donoghue; "Cruising in L.A.," by Sam Winston; "The Revolution Bull-Shit," by Liza Williams; illustration by Karuna Nidhan Mukherjie with blurb by Malay Roy Choudhury; "Amnesty Now," by David McReynolds; "The Vietnam Song Book," score by Barbara Dane and Irwin Silber; "Potsmoking Will Stop the War in Viet-Nam," by Dan McLeod; photograph of John Gibson; collage by Rogelio Polesello; "Making It with Arnie the Artist," by Murphy; "Juxtapositions," by Claes Oldenburg; advertisement for Andy Warhol's "Lonesome Cowboys"; "Flapjack Hamhocks," comic by Paul David Simon; "Ethnic News : Traveling without Leaving Home," by Ellen Kenwood.