Issue number 7 of ZG Magazine, edited by Rosetta Brooks. Contents include "A Woman is a Woman, but a Good Cigar is a Smoke," by Brian Hatton; "Saint Sebastian in Shinjuku," by Mark Holborn; "The Dark Night of the Body," by Ken Hollings; "We're Only in it for the Monet," by Dan Graham; "You Wish You Were Closer to You," Joan Wallace and Geralyn Donohue on David Salle; "Young Love for Sale," by Ian McMillan; "Malcolm MacLaren," interview by Krystina Kitsis; "Tail to the Wall," Jan Wandja on the drawings of Jo Baer and Bruce Robbins; "Everything You Want...and a little bit more," by Rosetta Brooks; "Crime and Pleasure," by Pablo; and "The Painter's Diary," by Mike Roddy; "Unresolved Desires: Redefining masculinity in some recent art," by Kim Gordon; "The Naked, the Uniformed and the Dead," by Jonathan Miles; "Remember, If You Aspire, You Desire," by Steve Dixon; and "Nightclubbing: Subcultural Sexuality," by Krystina Kitsis. Cover features an auto-portrait by Cindy Sherman.