Issues 1 - 7 of Scrap from total of 8, published in New York City and edited by Anita Ventura and Sidney Geist between 1960 - 1962. Issue One, contents include : "A Review of Sculpture this Season," by Sidney Geist ; "Report from the Club" featuring Gabriel Laderman, Neil Mallow, Wolf Kahn, Lester Johnson, Harold Cohen, Louis Finklestein, Paul Georges, Sidney Geist, Landes Lewitin, and E. ... [details]
Fifth issue of Scrap, edited by Anita Ventura and Sidney Geist. Contents includes "Cajori," by Louis Finkelstein ; "A View of Rothko's Images," by Sidney Geist ; "Hard Put," by Margaret Randall ; "Brecht Berlin / New York," by Josephine Herbst ; "Manifestoes on the Music and Dance of 8 Clear Places," by Lucia Dlugoszewski; and letters to the editor by Katharine Kuh and David Sylvestor. [details]
Second issue of Scrap, edited by Anita Ventura and Sidney Geist. Contents include a dance review of "Peripateia and Tableaux," by Landes Lewitin and Sidney Geist ; Letters to the editor from Irving Sandler and Sonia Gechtoff ; "Dear Scrap" with comments by Sally Hazelet, Mark di Suvero, Thomas B. ... [details]
Third issue of the Provincetown Review edited by William V. Ward. Author contributions by Harry Bell, John Benson Brooks, Aaron Cohen, Rosalyn Drexler, Stanley Fisher, Ron Forbes, Paul Goodman, Walter Gutman, William Harmon, Howard Hart, LeRoi Jones, Seymour Krim, Peter La Farge, Philip Lamantia, Anne T. ... [details]
Issue number 2 of the periodical "Some/Thing." Edited by David Antin and Jerome Rothenerg. Cover art by Robert Morris. Contents by David Antin, Ted Berrigan, George Brecht, Theodore Enslin, Emin Ercoglu, Clayton Eshleman, David Franks, Frank Kuenstler, Jackson Mac Low, Rochelle Owens, Margaret Randall, Jerome Rothenberg, Carolee Schneemann, Diane Wakoski. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Cover by Georgia Marsh. Essays "Films from the Heartlands of Mexico, Interview, Betsy Sussler," by Nicolas Echevarria; "In the High Ceiling of Stars," by Bradford Morrow; "Cockenoe," by David Rattray; "Spring Training," by Glenn O'Brien; "Translations Janet Brof," by Rosario Murillo; "Translations by Eva Gasteazoro and Harris Schiff," by Rosario Murillo; "Translations by Eva Gasteazoro and Harris Schiff; "Translations INALSE," by Roque Dalton; "Translations by Margaret Randall," by Otto Rene Castillo; "When the Mountains Tremble," by Pam Yates, interview by Betsy Sussler; "Whatever Happens," by Jacek Gulla; "The Hidden Anguish of the Mousketeers," by Gary Indiana; "The Following Myth. ... [details]
Issue edited by Barney Rosset. Contents include "The Tide," by Andre Pieyre de Mandiargues; "Dragtime and Drugtime; or, Film a la Warhol," by Parker Tyler; "Elegy, As If I Meant It," by John Palcewski; "Ep Art," by Guy and Elizabeth Cross; "Four Sections from Sheeper," by Irving Rosenthal; "Exterminator!" by William S. ... [details]
Anthology of American poetry compiled and edited by Richard Kostelantz. Contributors include Randall Jarrell, Delmore Schwartz, Daniel Hoffman, John Logan, J.V. Cunningham, Robert Lowell, John Berryman, Theodore Roethke, Stanley Kunitz, Charles Olson, Louis Zukofsky, John Cage, John Giorno, Dan Graham, W. ... [details]