Collaborative artists' book edited by Aleksandra Mir and Tim Griffin, with contributions by 150 artists. "Bad reviews of 150 artists who submitted their worst reviews for reprint. Beginning in the 1960s and including translations from thirteen languages, this collaborative project makes for the broadest historical and geographical survey of severe Art Criticism, its shifting form, nature, and impact, by those directly subjected to it--the artists. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with an exhibition held at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts from September 8 - November 3, 1990. Includes black-and-white illustrations and essays by Betty Bright and Karen Wirth along with autobiographical writing by Betsey Davids, Bernard K. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held January 11 - March 1, 1987. Curated by Harley. Text by Patrick Beilman, Carl Camu, Dogfish, Klaus Groh, Volker Haman, J.P. Jacob, Ot Ratsaphone, Lon Spiegelman, Andrej Tišma, and Edgardo-Antonio Vigo. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Strathmore Hall Arts Center, Rockville, Maryland, December 1, 1989 - January 6, 1990. Traveled to Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, Hagerstown, Maryland, July 1 - August 26, 1990; Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland, September 4 - October 8, 1990; Washington College, October 15 - November 11, 1990; Peninsula Fine Arts Center, Newport News, Virginia, November 17 - December 23, 1990. ... [details]
Essential anthology of writings from 1978 - 1998 published in the periodical 'Umbrella.' Edited by Judith A. Hoffberg. Contributions by Clive Phillpot, Ken Friedman, Ita Aber, Walter Askin, Anna Banana, Mariona Barkus, Guy Bleus, Sas Colby, Patricia Collins, Jules Engel, J. ... [details]
"Eternal Network is the first university press publication to explore the historical roots, aesthetics, and new directions of contemporary mail art in essays by prominent, international mail art networkers from five continents. ... [details]
"A transcription of a series of six symposia in music and visual art, event art, art and architecture, environmental art, publica works and conceptual art. The panelists included Edited and with a foreword by Marilyn Bedford and Jerry Herman. ... [details]