Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Museum Bochum, Germany, January 27 - March 11, 1979; and the Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy, March 28 - May 4, 1979. Text by Isabella Puliafito. ... [details]
An anthology of writings from NYU's quarterly publication, "The Drama Review". Edited by Michael Kirby, with essays by Michael Kirby, Konstanty Puzyna, Fredéric Baal, The Theatre Laboratoire Vicinal, Victoria Nes Kirby, Ilka Marinho Zanotto, Theodore Shank, Colette Godard, Jennifer Merin, Mario Ricci, Ronald Argelander, John Towsen, František Deák, John Perreault, Karen Smith, Janelle Reiring, and Sally Sommer. ... [details]