Flyer / announcement published in conjunction with a series of screenings of new dance films held August 6, 13, 20, and 27, [1969]. Films by: Fred Arnow, Judith Dunn, Gretel Fletcher, Gene Friedman, Dylan Green, Ken Greenleaf, Mark Sadan, Ed Seeman and Elaine Summers. ... [details]
Flyer / program for New Visions Festival held Friday, September 16, 1966. Festival featured "daring controversial work of the American Independent Film-maker." Films included "The Secret of Wendall Samson" by Michael Kuchar, "Jerovi" by Jose Rodriguez-Soltero, "B Lack Is" by Aldo Tambellini, "Interwoven" by Mark Sadan, and "A Weight" by Ron Machintosh. [details]