Two page list of those who were invited to participate in the four Round Tables of the PEN America congress, held June 14 - 17, [1966]. Panels and participants included: Round Table I, "The Writer in the Electronic Age, held June 14, with Marshall McLuhan, Buckminster Fuller, Pablo Neruda and others; Round Table II, "Literature and the Social Sciences on the Nature of Contemporary Man," held June 15- 16, with Ralph Ellison, Maurice Nadeau and others; Round Table III, "The Writer as Collaborator in Other Men's Purpose," held June 15-16, with William Jovanovich, Jean Bloch-Michel, Elmer Rice and others; Round Table IV, "The Writer as a Public Figure," held June 17, with Ignazio Silone, Arthur Miller, Rosamund Lehmann and others. [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held April 8 - May 7, 1967. Texts by Maurice Nadeau, Ricardo Porro, Gherasim Luca, Lasse Söderberg, Ingemar Leckius, José Pierre, and Alejo Carpentier. ... [details]