Floorplan for a comprehensive survey show of the artwork of Mike Kelley held at MoMA PS1, Long Island City, Queens, NY, [October 13, 2013 – February 2, 2014]. Organized by the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. ... [details]
Issue number 1 of Spectacle Magazine, edited by Kathi Norklun. Contents include: "Real Heroics: Nike, the Olympics and Los Angeles," by Kathi Norklun; "Cable Television: Just Part of the Furniture," by Colin Gardner; "4D KAXE," by Gary Lloyd; "Ruptured Reality," an interview with Bruce and Norman Yonemoto; "Let's Have a War!," by Bruce D. ... [details]
Fall 1985 issue of JOURNAL, edited by Lane Relyea. Edited by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe and John Johnston. Contents include: "Multiplicity, Proliferation, Reconvention," by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe and John Johnston; "Two Crowds with Shape of Reason Missing," by John Baldessari; "Century," by Robert Ryman; "To a Swan," by David Shapiro; "Multiplicity, Proliferation, Reconvention," The Editors; "Idea as Multiplicity," by Gilles Deleuze; "On Line," by Peter Halley; "Notes on the Kaleidoscope and Stereoscope," by Jonathan Crary; "Thomas Nozkowski: Painting and Proliferation," by Joseph Masheck; "Mass, Crowd and Pack," by Michel Feher; "Lui/un Autre," by Gary Parent; "Some Notes on Proliferation, Process, History," by Sandy Cohen; "Nature," by Kimball Lockhart; "False Works," by Gregory Rukavina; "L'enfant-Bulle," by Jean Baudrillard; "America's Borders Are Everywhere," by Allan Sekula; "The Ditmarsh Tale of Lies," by the brothers Grimm; "To a Swan," a poem by David Shapiro; "Travelog: Excerpts from Plato's Cave, Rothko's Chapel, Lincoln's Profile," by Mike Kelley; "Feature: Multiplicity, Proliferation, Reconvention," edited by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, and Johnston; "Dialog: The Procession of Undine," by T. ... [details]
Spring 1984 issue of Journal. Edited by Douglas Blau. Contents include: "Nefertiti," by Frank Majore; "Portrait, In Eclipse," by Jeff Perrone; "The Treatise of Narcissus," by Andre Gide and Emma Kafalenos; "Home," by Hal Foster; "Ajax," by Mike Kelley; "Picasso," by Gertrude Stein; "Mrs. ... [details]
1984 issue of High Performance, The Performance Art Quarterly, edited by Linda Frye Burnham. Contents include: "Laurie Anderson Goes for the Throat," by Mark Dery; "The Why and How of Collaboration," by Susan Block; "Pat Oleszko," by Carl Heyward; "The Evolution of Obsession," by Margot Mifflin, Yayoi Kusama Interviewed on Her Psychosomatic Art; "Linda Burnham Reports;" "Performance in the '80s: The TV Generation: Lin Hixson, Molly Cleator, Tim Miller" by Jacki Apple; "Glamour as Environmental Art," by Moe Meyer; "Michael Kelley," by Kathi Norklun; "From a Whisper to a Shout: Suzanne Lacy Talks About a Network for Women's Voices," by Margot Mifflin; "The Catalist Olympics," by Lewis MacAdams; "In Dogged Pursuit of the World's Greatest Artist," by Linda Burnham; "The D. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held in dual venues : "The Eighties" at MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, MA, December 19, 1987 - February 7, 1988 and "Pioneers" at Bank of Boston Gallery, Boston, MA, November 23, 1987 - January 15, 1988. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held August 10 - September 7, 1991. Curated and with an essay by Ralph Rugoff. Artists include Alan Belcher, Dennis Cooper, Jim Isermann, John Coplans, Jessica Diamond, Jeanne Dunning, Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Bob Flanagan, Sheree Rose, Lyle Ashton Harris, Richard Hawkins, Mike Kelley, Mark Kroening, Cary Liebowitz, Paul McCarthy, Raymond Pettibon, Jack Pierson, Johnny Pixchure, Aura Rosenberg, Jim Shaw, Cindy Sherman, Laurie Simmons, Tom of Finland, Jeffrey Vallance, Anne Walsh, and Sue Williams. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held August 4 - 31, 1990. Curated and with an essay by Ralph Rugoff. Artists include Chris Burden, Jessica Diamond, David Hammons, Georg Herold, Mike Kelley, John Miller, Cady Noland, Raymond Pettibon, Jeffrey Vallance, William Wegman, and Erwin Wurm. ... [details]
Oversized gatefold exhibition brochure published in conjunction with show held February 20 - May 19, 1991. Essay by assistant curator Amada Cruz. Includes biography, selected solo exhibitions, selected performances, selected bibliography, and exhibition checklist. [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held February 8 - March 22, 1986. Curated by Barbara Broughel. Artists include: Advent, Gary Bachman, Alan Belcher, Ashley Bickerton, Barbara Bloom, Chris Burden, Stephen Frailey, Frank Gillette, Mike Kelley, David McDermott, Peter McGough, and James Welling. ... [details]