Long Live the People of the Revolution
  • vinyl record
  • 31.1 x 31.4 cm.
  • edition size 400
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Long Live the People of the Revolution

Raymond Pettibon, Oliver Augst, Rüdiger Carl, Christoph Korn, Otomo Yoshihide, Bruno Schönlank, Ernst Toller, Bertolt Brecht, Willi Leow

Long Live the People of the Revolution


Vinyl record by Raymond Pettibon. Cover art by Raymond Pettibon. Voice contributions by Oliver Augst, Rüdiger Carl, Christoph Korn, and Raymond Pettibon. Instrumental accompaniment by Otomo Yoshihide, Oliver Augst, Rüdiger Carl, and Christoph Korn. References to texts by Bruno Schönlank and Ernst Toller. Appropriated original recordings by Bertolt Brecht and Willi Leow.

Cologne, Germany: Eventuell,
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