Periodical guide to new arts events in New York City's Lower East Side, edited by Roland Hagenberg. With critical essays by Alan Jones, Jo Shane, Nicolas A. Moufarrege, Carlo McCormick, and Michael Kohn. ... [details]
Issue number 5 of M/E/A/N/I/N/G. Edited by Susan Bee and Mira Schor. With written contributions by Emma Amos, Cay Bahnmiller, Lillian Ball, Susan Bee, Charles Bernstein, Nancy Bowen, Daryl Chin, Arthur C. ... [details]
Issue number 113 of New Observations: "The Magazine that Lets the Artists Speak for Themselves." Guest edited by Susan Bee and Mira Schor. Essays by Christian Schumann, Amy Sillman, David Reed, Jane Hammond, Rochelle Feinstein, Julia Jacquette, Kay Rosen, Pamela Wye, David Humphrey, Kenneth Goldsmith, Faith Wilding, Lucio Pozzi, Richard Tuttle, Tom Knechtel, Mira Schor, and Susan Bee. ... [details]