Folded program / poster for "One Evening of Theater Pieces," held at Musart Theatre, Los Angeles, August 30, 1968. Theater pieces by Eric Orr, Ruth Saturensky, Dick Kilgroe, Barbara Smith, Jerrold Burchman, Sharon Burchman. ... [details]
Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "All Around Esthetes: Jeffrey Slonim on the Most Moving Pictures," by Jeffrey Slonim; "American Myths: J. Hoberman on the Summer of '69," by J. Hoberman; "Theater: Maria Nadotti on 'Venezia Salva,'" by Maria Nadotti; "Fashion: Hilton Als on Grease," by Hilton Als; "Real Life Rock: Greil Marcus' Top Ten," by Greil Marcus; "Letter from Munich," by Ingrid Rein; "People's Parties: Bully Sullivan and Marcelo Krasilcic," by Jack Pierson; "Philip Taafe: 'Al Quasbah,'" by Edmund White; "Critical Reflections," by Peter Schjeldahl with an introduction by Robert Storr; "Some Aspects of Color in General and Red and Black in Particular," by Donald Judd with Remembrances by Richard Serra, Larry Bell, Paula Cooper, Arne Glimcher, John Wesley, Hannah Green, Roni Horn, David Rabinowitch, and Douglas Baxter; "Rising Sign: Return of 'Spiral Jetty,'" by Jean-Pierre Criqui; "Yo Morris," by Thomas Crow; "Home Made Strange," Jean-Pierre Criqui talks with Marc Augé. ... [details]